The Masters : « Accounting, Controling and Auditing » represents the access road to higher education certificates « Accounting Revision » , in order to get access to the expert accountants jobs and the accounts auditors.
Therefore, the fourth semester is devoted to the analysis and realisation of synthesis cases of different modules treated in the first three semesters
The graduates from this specialty also have the possibility to apply for jobs in the financial establishments and entreprises to have the positions of directors and financial responsables (management controler, treasure managers, internal auditor, accounting directors…).

- Normes of presentation
- Relative Normes of financial instruments
- Relative Normes of active and passive other than financial instruments
- Audit and internal control I
- International Economy and international finance
- Management of computer systems
- Direct and Indirect taxation
- Commercial societies rights
- Statutory auditor
- IAS / IFRS standards
- Criminal law of business affairs
- Business English
- Business Finance
- Financial engineering
- Strategic management control
- Business strategy
- Data analysis
- ICT: Software and Software Packages
- Accounting: merger and consolidation
- Assessment and grouping of companies
- Judicial expertise
- Audit and internal control II
- International taxation
- Fiscal advantages
- Tax Control and Litigation
- Portfolio management
- Financial analysis and diagnosis
- Research methodology
- Corporate governance and social responsibility
- Internship, internship report and defense