Internships inside entreprises are integrated within the EPI GROUP formation. They are compulsory in order to have a diploma. Also, the EPI Group takes good care of their progression. During those internships, students develop their personal qualities, learn how to work in a team to finish their projects. They are validated after a soutenance.

There are three types of internships in entreprises:

  • Initiation internship (discovering compagnies): for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students.
  • Professional internship (conception and/or realisation of projects linked to the specialty): for 4th year students
  • A PFE internship (implemenation of the gained competences to realise a project for the future professional life): for 5th year students

The EPI Group follows students during those internships and provides them withe internship service for coordination with the different departments and the receiving entreprises (choice, validation…).

The internship necessitates a report writing which has to be presented in front of a jury. This jury has to include:

  • A chairman who is a teacher from the EPI Group.
  • A university supervisor from EPI.
  • An internship supporter who has to present the reception structure.

For more information, contact Mr MAHDI MEJRI

All internships have to be validated after a soutenance.

Therefore, every student is obliged to submit the following documentations to the schooling service:

  • A form (to be downloaded from « Internship forms »).
  • An internship certificate given by the entreprise, it has to be filled in and signed.
  • The internship notebook filled by the supervisor.
  • The internship report with the Groupe EPI in its endpaper (to be downloaded from « Internship forms ») in two samples and an enumerated.